Saturday, March 13, 2010

Talk to the Hand!

by Stein Vivero

The Hitsuzen Inc is almost 6 months now as a group. Together with the Talisay Chapter headed by Mao, this group is making its way to be on at its peak. This is all defined by TRUST, UNDERSTANDING, DISCIPLINE and having FUN.

Trust- noun: reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence. (thanks to Merriam)

This is the basic component that a group must have. Trust is essential. (Green minded people F off).
As a group, we experienced almost all of the possible odds in a short span of time. We have been deprived, insulted, argued.. name it. But everything ran smoothly as the days passed. We have managed to create a team with the indirect help of Tinta. We actually want to be part of their team before! but they have taught us (indirectly) of making our own group. We exhausted all of the possible options, managed to get people from the internet, using social networks (Thanks to Plurk and Facebook), texting common friends etc. Unfortunately, most of them declined.

Now history repeats itself as we are now placed on the hot seat. We actually don't want to be branded as an exclusive group. But we are here to help you hone your own group. Hmm one of the best example is the Team Batotoi. They are my colleagues and we discussed cosplay and anime stuffs before and after work over a cup of coffee. They have formed their own group independently and manage to act as a group. So massive ups for these type of people. :D


Coming up with an idea or a project isn't easy. There will a be a few people that would disagree, they are called as the minority. We have different ideas and different perceptions on how we see things, on how we define things because of different factors also affecting (mentioned by Katz in her note). But being part of the majority, you have to learn how to RESPECT and also understand the minority. The minority always has the right to be heard and it will again undergo a thorough discussion. See, it's not that easy. Just look into the bright side and see how things run smoothly as planned.


One of the factor the we aren't that furnished. Since we are just a few months old, I think we're still not that disciplined and mature as a group. We are still on the learning process, it may be slow but we are certain that we are learning. We are still on the process on how to handle things more responsibly and more disciplined.

(Gusto ni Manong Johny happy kami) Just refer to the lines below from Mary Poppins! :D

"In every job that must be done, there must be an element of fun. When you find the fun, SNAP! The job is a game!.. and every task that you will take becomes a piece of cake."
See! :D so we are expecting that in this community, no one will build any hatred since we are all for one passion! Let's have fun! Enough trashtalks and rumors! and we all love the cosplay movement right?

So yeah! I hope that this piece of trash note (out of randomness) makes sense. I hope you guys appreciate and would understand the essence of making and becoming a team. TEAM SPIRIT that is! :D The more, the merrier. The more, the harder to handle. So think wisely. We are here to help :D


*We still need 3 guys for VK shoot for the last week of March, for interested people, just reply before March 16, 2010.

*The Pirated Project featuring One Piece Characters: if you have inquiries, just reach Von, Jhayme and Thea. THIS IS AN INVITATIONAL COSPLAY SHOOT! NOT A CONVENTION!!!!!! please read twice.

are we invited? we're not aware of those things.
GO GET A LIFE. If you are planning to make a convention, don't drag the team's name.

This note is open for replies and people who will give violent reactions will be cursed. JUST KIDDING xD

Segunda Espada


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