Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bad Mood Loot

Aaahhhh... Just looking at that face make my bad mood go away... Until the next time I'm in a bad mood, that is. My Friday started not the way I wanted it, so I was in a perpetual bad mood as I was driving... Not a good idea, but I don't cause accidents just because I'm in a bad mood. Unfortunately I do tend to spend money when I'm in a bad mood... It almost sounds like a girl (not to be sexist or anything) who relieves her stress by shopping. That's what I did...

A lot of my purchases when in a bad mood tend to be impulsive. Good thing this Re-Ment dress thing was pretty cheap. It was $7.99 but marked down to $4.59. It's still impulsive because I didn't know if it'll even fit my 1/6 RAH Rei. Thankfully Yunamon and Aquilla to confirm on Twitter while I was still near that store!

Even with the confirmation though, the dress that I got, which is a marching band leader dress, doesn't fit Rei well. Well Rei does have that plugsuit and arm cast on... Still it does kinda fit, but not perfect. It's like Rei is size XL while the dress is size S.

A close-up. Her right hand isn't really inside the dress.

Trying with a Figma with no success... I didn't even bother putting the hat on Saber.

The slightly bigger Revoltech doesn't work either as Haruka demonstrates here.

The hat's still too big, but kinda cute how Haruka holds it up here.

Next up are the Vancouver Winter Olympic mascots. At least they were cheap. They're a good medium size too and only $10 each; marked down from $30 and $32. The one on the right is Quatchi. I only wanted to get Sumi on the left, but I guess Quatchi's pretty good too. Though the only reason why I get Quatchi is because he sounds like "kuaci", which means "watermelon/sunflower seed" in Indonesian.

I was very choosy with Sumi. There were several of them, but I was looking for a round face. It's basically a teddy bear with wings. Very, very cute!

This came in the mail, but it sure lighten my mood. Kalafina's new album, Red Moon, 1000 Ton no Bara Bara soundtrack and a Koihime Musou strap dangly thingy made up the package from YesAsia. The Koihime Musou is a freebie if you buy two specially marked items. I got RinRin, but I was hoping for Sosou ^^;

The backside of the two CDs.

 The 1000 Ton no Bara Bara soundtrack is the music to the recently released PSP game (called Patchwork Heroes in North America). After hearing the Japanese trailer and listening to the in-game music, this was an easy purchase. I'm listening to it as I'm typing this. The CD includes a sticker and a special present that expires April 30th! I better get to that soon! I'll include the theme song from Youtube as a sample of the CD.


I picked up Kalafina's new album because of the Boston and Anime Boston feature. I did go see them in Anime Boston last year and enjoyed their concert and CD that was signed by them. So naturally I bought their second one.

The CD came with a DVD extra showing their music video and footage from Boston in 2009. I haven't seen it yet though. It also came with the booklet featuring the three members doing a photoshoot in Boston.

Concert photos in the booklet.

Photoshoot in the streets of Boston.

I fell in love with their songs from the last album right away, but some of the songs in this one seem to be a hit and miss. The Sora no Woto opening theme, Hikari no Senritsu, is included which is one of the reasons why I got this CD. I haven't seen all of the anime yet, but I loved the opening song immediately.

Oops almost forgot that someone else wanted to try out that impulse purchase dress...

Is that a baton inside your dress or are you just happy to see me?


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