Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy April Fools Month!

Eh? What's that? April Fools supposed to only last a day? So I did this wrong by doing this for a month long? So technically I was trolling people? I don't really know how to troll though. Oh, that doesn't matter if I don't know or not because I really did troll for a month? Hmm... But if I make it a reality it won't be a troll anymore right?

 I really should stop talking to myself... I've been posting a lot in the last few days, eh? ^^; I think I was just trying to fit all my planned posts before I end this charade, lol. So yes, "Within a Flash of Pantsu" is just a long running April Fools prank. I had planned this because I thought about redoing my blog layout, but since I made the decision around the same time as April Fool's Day then I thought I'd make it work and give myself a month deadline to fix everything. Unfortunately things just do not go as planned...

My job which had been reduced to 3 days a week from 4 days suddenly had increased to 5 days a week. This is because someone left due to some circumstances that I will not reveal here. And I haven't even been officially told that I have his job or what my schedule is! Wonderful days indeed.

So unfortunately I have to give some excuses as to why all of my plans haven't been fulfilled to redo this blog. At least the new template is ready. Misaka taking centre stage in relightning my blog header ^^ Let me know if there are some quirks because I was testing it in a separate test blog and it might not have the same stuff as this template.

So I apologize if I inconvenience anyone because of this so-called permanent change in my blog - m(_ _)m  In exchange I'll give you tons of Misaka Mikoto in this post ^^;

But that's not to say that Within a Flash of Pantsu is dead... No, no, no. It's alive and starting its second life! See the thing with going ecchi, you can't have limits. If you have limits, it's pointless... So the new Pantsu blog is adults only because that way I can fully express myself as Ecchi Man. Lightning Sabre can be ecchi, but he has too much prudence and often limited himself to go fully ecchi. I have to stop talking in third person... It's almost like I have a split personality... ANYHOO!

I still have link banners I have to work on and a separate link page... But I'll be very, very busy next week, what with Video Games Live on Thursday, Iron Man 2 on Friday and a US trip on Saturday! Not to mention the extra work I still have to do... So for now I'll have to stick with the side banner linking.

Oh and as of 11:11 PM on April 30th, I have this many visitors in a month! The most I've had in a month ever since my blog started! I wonder if it's because I changed my blog to something people would search for? Either way, thank you very much for your visits! I'm grateful for all of you to come and visit this silly overplanned blog of mine. Thank you, thank you!


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