Friday, June 4, 2010


By Elechi, Tertiera Espada

MARCH 26, 2010


My very 1st cosplay anime when I started cosplaying =
I was going to be Rima Touya supposedly but I ended up being Maria Kurenai!
(Reason: I don't have a wig for Rima that time because the one I ordered was like :-x)
Well that was way back October of 2009 at Masskara Festival here in Bacolod.

I've always been attracted to vampires.
Who doesn't...?
They're gorgeous! HOT! So elegant and Seductive

And then I met Vampire Knight. (What? Met you mean..?)
The anime is simple. No super sonic powers and actions but I really liked it to the point that I printed all the manga pages from One Manga and bind it so that I have a copy of my own =. (WAAAA I'm not pirating or stealing anything! It's just for me and myself!)

The uniform was also attractive. Like I remeber my good friend Venchi-kun saying that he would love to have his own VK uniform because he'll be able to use it in parties and prom? :o

:bulletred:Check out some of my selected Deviations:

Our photoshoot didn't well as planned but it was still ok I guess.
The shocking part was, we did have a LOT of photographers which made us a bit uncomfortable. Imagine..?

For the venue it wasn't easy.
I think (Personally), its difficult to look for VK venues (probably just here in our place).
At first we had many options like this and that but as always ending up with 2 or 1 and worst no options at all.

1st Scene.The Entrance.
I personally want this and so I suggested it. The thing is I failed.
Not everyone in the cast was able to be here which saddened me =

I was feeling sorry for "forcing" everyone (who was present at the gate) to come.
As you can clearly see the sun wasn't friendly that time. It was around 3pm I think..?
Everyone was like doing this :-X *gomen minna*

If you remember, there was this episode most likely the 1st of Vampire Knight Guilty.
This was after Kaname had given Zero his blood to save him from the pit of becoming Level E.
The scene was filled with coldness and Yuki some how felt it.

Huhuhuh :cries:
Look at poor Metz = gomeeeen
Metz as Rima, :iconbomperts: as Shiki
**They're actually siblings :XD:

"The incest" version of Rima :heart: Shiki

These two by the way are my favorite couple in VK.
They're not cheesy sweet but there's something with their relationship that more than meets the eye.

And oh btw about this gate. We are actually in a Chinese cemetery LOL.
No tombs were harmed during the shoot. :XD:

And here's a replica GIF version of Zero and Yuki's
"Punch, punch,punch..Push, push, push" found in Episode 1 of VK.

Romel as Zero
Razel as Yuki
GIF made by: :iconsyaoranvenjoh:

I don't have any grudges with Venchi-kun's camera :XD:
But seriously I was disappointed with the outcome of these pictures :constipated:

Its all blurry =
And above us! Thank you for giving us a cloudless Sky! :clap: :-x :brainless:

The gate was just the beginning of the walk to calvary! :XD:
Since we can't do anything about the missing characters and the super hot afternoon, we had no choice but to leave!
We went straight to McDo (the traitor McDO!) and waited for the others there.

Zero-kun! Fries are not meant to scare people. Its for the enjoyment of our stomachs :XD:

Rima: C'mon Kaname-sama. Smile..?
Kaname: No picture please.

Oohhh. Sweet! :heart::love::meow:

Von,Metz and Ban

Shiki and Maria's short time bonding :giggle::la::la::la:

"Mamamamama! Can't read my..can't read my. No she can't read on my Poker Face"
Popopopoker face! :XD:

Sonow you know that Zero Kiryuu is a LadyGaga fan :o

Welcome Romela! =
Ban called her all theway from her home asking her to be Ichiru hahah

2nd Scene. The Academy.

We thank you :iconsyaoranvenjoh: for lending us your power :XD:
He was our key that we were able to have this place (Capitol) as one of our venues = :love: :tighthug:
And we also thank the Security staff for being so kind and welcoming :#1:

First things first.
The all over place is perfect only that there were no chairs or tables that we could borrow for a classroom set up.
Many had commented that the place was really good.
Yes I do agree.
From the lighting, shade and even the infrastructures. Well what can I say..? Fabulous =

Like this one. Needs only a bit of editing.

:iconsyaoranvenjoh: as Ichijou and :iconmacmurdock: as Akatsuki

**Sadly our friend Mac (Akatsuki) lost his orange wig on the way to the venue =
and ever since then I noticed that he keeps on losing stuffs every shoot :aww:

and this one also :below:

:iconbomperts: as Shiki, :iconmacmurdock: as Akatsuki, :iconsyaoranvenjoh: as Ichijou, :iconelledejavu: as Maria
Razel as Yuki, Romel as Zero, Keisha as Seiren

Vampires :heart: Coca Cola!

We were in a state of hallucination at this moment.
Kaname-sama is being hold up!

"I don't a penny here!" LOL

This time I'm in power Kaname-sama! with my beloved minions Rima and Shiki :stab:
Rima and Shiki: Whaat..?!?

Go go Mac-kun :XD: show them some sssskin :giggle:

3rd Scene. School Grounds.

After harassing the Capitol we headed next outside for the last session of the photoshoot.
It was already dark when we did the shoot.
The good thing is our photographers had awesome "for light" stuffs with them =.

LOL where did you learn that pose Shiki...?! :o

What is this?!
Yuki you are being cheated! OHOOHOH :XD:
Kaname-sama I didn't you were such a Prvrt :kevin:


Ms. Annie's Version (Please you are not allowed to compare it with my version. LOl)

BOYS OVER VAMPIRE...? :matteo:

Original concept of :iconbomperts: :XD:

And speaking I'm not a fan of BOF ok..? Just to clarify things (NO offense to the fans)
I like Meteor Garden more (Taiwanese Verson). You know the Sanchai:heart:Dao Ming acck :aww:

Have you ever imagined Zero and :heart:...? :aww:

Kaname-sama and me weee =

I was like, why are you doing that Ban..? Your neck...?
Then he said because I was elbowing his wig! LOL
My bad :aww:

TP Peeps =Grabbed (or stolen..?) from Keisha-chan :aww:

My laugh of the Journal ohohhoo :la::la::la::la: :+fav:!

A glimpse of the Capitol grounds.
Don't mind the person in the picture.

:bulletred: To Ms. Annie May Valdez and Co.
thank you so much for helping and supporting us! :#1:
Hoping to work with you guys again!
And to everyone who was there I LOVE YOU ALL!

I didn't notice the time

Its already late and the class is about to start.
I'm new here in the academy so I don't wanna make a fuss by being late :-X
I know they don't like me so I have to be more behave :aww:

So that's so far folks.
Can't share much anymore. *Whispers* Cross-sama might get mad.
Ohh Is that blood..?

PPS: The last picture is taken at home.
The clock is one of my dad's antique collection and my favorite =


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