Thursday, June 17, 2010

Worldwide Cosplayer photo journey: KICKSTART!!!!

EDIT: hahaa, I didn’t wanna link Asakura’s blog initially because I wasn’t sure if she’s alright with it (privacy). But I guess if you watched this video, you’d realized her comment number was 41 *hintshints*. In fact I think she commented here too xD *BIGhintshints*  I’m sure you guys can find her (and her blog) easily


P1120241 copyOmg, I almost can’t believe it but yes, the Worldwide Cosplayer Photo Journey has finally begun! I just (or rather, this afternoon) mailed the article out to Chile. Let’s pray hard that the article will get to Asakura safe and sound ^_^!


This is what I crafted for the scarf. You can totally tell I’m not a very crafty person T_T. I had initially wanted to do something along the theme of “Moon and Stars” since that’s the symbol on our national flag. But didn’t managed to find any cute Moon and Star buttons so…I opted for this other landmark instead.

That white thing is Singapore Changi Airport’s Control Tower =) The red lines are in different shades or red to symbolize the 4 main race in Singapore and they were done by running stitches. The little airplanes buttons were bought from Daiso xD


Magnet! I think this magnet’s really cute. I’m assuming its supposed to symbolise Singapore’s Sentosa with all the main landmarks sculpted and embedded. The cutest part has got to be the gold coin. Its a true blue 5 cents coin, one that we STILL USE! hahaha


This is what I sent out. Packed the magnet and Merlion pen into a plastic wrap to hopefully secure them better. Oh, I sent Asakura Bak Gwa too ^_^ They are a very delicious form of barbecued pork slices. I hope they reach her soon before they go bad T_T . I bought them for Kaname-san too when I got to meet him last year. P1120239A laminated “Instruction Manual” for the recipients to keep track ^_^ . To all future receiver, please remember to send this ‘manual’ out to the next person ^_^!

It’s in a fugly shade of orange with blank poor quality printing, I know T_T. I didn’t have time to prepare something nicer *sobs* And damn, this lamination alone cost me $2! For a B5 lamination , like whut?! 

And finally, here’s the video of me sending out the article! Video at the Post Office was shot in stealth mode =X Was totally being suspicious oTL.

I edited this video with youtube’s online video editor( beta service). Am pretty pissed with its slow processing. I did the video around 4-5pm and up until near 7pm, the video was still not published=_=. I’m kinda upset because I actually did up this whole entry (photos & all) at my office laptop. But was waiting for the video to finish loading so I can publish it together. But it didn’t finish processing and I forgot to send a private copy of the entry so…I had to retype this whole thing at home=_=.

Alright, nuff rants. Now that the 1st recipient is announced and the article sent out, its all out of my control now hahaha. For those of you who wants to be the next receiver, leave a comment or pop over to Asakura’s blog and let her know?

I feel very guilty to know there will definitely be a lot of cosplayer who won’t get selected but but …I’m still very very glad you guys are interested to participate! *touched*. E ither way, let’s all wish the best for this project and look out at this blog for the newest updates of the WWCPJ Project! The blogloc at the right is finally about to start changing!!!! *excited*


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