Remember that
"desk" I posted a few months ago? Well no more of that! I've acquired an actual desk from my workplace that they planned on throwing away anyway. So this cost me nothing, zip, zilch, nada! FREEBIE! Don't you just love that word? XD
The only problem is that it's tall and a bit wider than my usual setup, so the TV is blocked a little bit by the new desk. I've tested watching anime with the new desk and there wasn't much blockage to the subtitles thankfully.
The desk is at a proper height at least, so I don't have to bend over much to sit and use the computer on it. This will make it much easier to work on Photoshop for me too.
Guess the anime on the TV!Only gonna show the top of the desk for now... there's still a few things I need to clean underneath it ^^; It's nice to have a posable Gundam on the desk so I can put Mirai Gundam in any pose. I still have to be careful of her arms though. They tend to fall off since I made her with a custom joint.

Now that I have more room on top of the desk and extra shelves underneath the desk, I can put more figures on it! In front of the monitor, from left to right, are Mirai Gundam, Layer from Mega Man X, Louise Nendoroid, Nekomimi Mikuru, Enma Ai and Wolf-form Link & Midna. There's also High Wind, the airship from Final Fantasy VII underneath the monitor, where it fits perfectly.

On top of the speakers two small figures. Konata whom you've seen from one of the
Endless Lilies 4koma and
swimsuit Taiga.

Here is a closer look of High Wind. One of my favourite airship from all Final Fantasy... but if I had Ragnarok from Final Fantasy VIII then I'd put it here too.

Louise from Zero no Tsukaima. I put the box on the middle shelf so I can change her face if I want to. Behind Louise is Alter from Mega Man X, probably from the Command Mission game. It was a cheapy, so I bought it for how she looked... shitapai! I'll probably rotate the Nendoroid that will sit here once in a while since I seem to have a lot of them ^^;
Enma Ai. One of my favourite impulse purchases... her eyes look very good and her feet are quite nice.....

I still haven't finished Twilight Princess yet... I really gotta get around to that.

And finally the calendar on the right speaker. It only lasts til October. I got this calendar from the Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist game. I'll probably put more figures on this spot once the month is over ^^
Any suggestions on what else I should put up on the desk? I'm thinking Saber Lily figma, but that'll just get her dusty...
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