Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Coincidence: A Unique Day Addendum

Hmm... I've been having a lot of these addendum lately. Anyhow something happened on that unique day that I had last week that I did not put on record. I was actually looking at cell phone accessories for my new mobile while I was in Richmond Centre last week. I was only half-interested in the car charger at this cell phone accessories kiosk and was talking to the person who worked there. The price was ok, but I wasn't sure if I really need it. I didn't think much on this occurence at the time.

My work days started and was having some really bad time at work. It's finally over thankfully. When I came back home, my parents had a guest who is an Indonesian. We introduced ourselves and apparently had the same first name and then talked a little bit. Unfortunately I was too tired and had to lie down on my bed. Somehow he looked familiar... Facebook? Photos? After he left, I told my mom that he looked familiar. It wasn't until she mentioned that he works at a cell phone store that I started to connect the dots... It's the same employee who I was talking too about the car charger last Thursday XD

Pardon the silly life story, but I'd like to keep some stories remembered. And I always love coincedences (if they exist). It was quite a unique day indeed!

Image from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya DVD Volume 2, Disc 2.

By the way... Did anyone think back to this above scene in the first season of Haruhi Suzumiya when (or if) you watched Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody? After I first read Bamboo Leaf Rhapsody, I thought about this scene and I was blown away! I was in awe at the amount of planning in advance. Safe to say that this is my favourite Haruhi Suzumiya story. ^^


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