Thursday, July 2, 2009


In our Otakudom, we have something called itasha, which is a car that's been decorated with pictures of (mostly) anime characters or any other fictional characters. It's caught on big time in Japan. In car racing video games there's even an option to add pictures on your fictional car to make it an itasha. And I believe it was Ace Combat that allows to add pictures to your plane (please correct me if I'm wrong). So what's next? Let's make an ita-garage as well where we can keep our itasha safe!!

I found this through an e-mail forward from my dad. In the email it describes who made this and how much it costs:
A German firm called Style Your Garage creates posters for garage doors that make it look as if your garage is where the action is. Made for the up-and-over garage doors common in Europe , they mount with velcro and can be adapted to fit sectional garage doors. If you've got a two-car garage, no worries they can make posters that will span both doors. Prices range from €199 to €399 for the double-door and the company can also turn a photo of yours into a garage poster, but you'll want to be careful with this, not everything can be blown up to 6.5 feet without looking weird!!.
The email also provided with more samples of what else you can put in there. As for myself, I'd love to put a picture of a Gundam or the Voltes V vehicles or any other anime mechs lying down inside my garage. XD

I wonder who's brave enough to put this up on their garage door ^^;

It's Jetfire! The decrepit old Transformer from Revenge of the Fallen... love the jet, hate the robot design. I mean c'mon! It's the SR-71 Blackbird, the X-Men's plane and they gave it a beard and a cane in the movie?? Sheesh!


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