Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Selphie Tilmitt!

It's Selphie's birthday today on July 16th! She's my favourite Final Fantasy character to date. That girl named Lightning might be a second fave, heheh. Selphie Tilmitt is originally from Final Fantasy VIII and in that game she's the token girl with the bubbly personality, along the lines of Yuffie (FFVII) and Rikku (FFX). But don't mistake her to be airheaded though. She can hack your computer in seconds! She's a computer whiz in the game. She's also the reason why I also like the colour yellow ^_^

Oh and it's also my grandmother's (from my mom's side) birthday! Selamat ulang tahun oma!

This figure still in its original packaging and is probably one of the first few figures I've ever purchased. Back then I was still under the impression that figures that are still in their packages worth more. Although to me I doubt I'll sell this since she's a favourite. I remember that I bought in the United States when my family went to Seattle. I probably bought it from an Electronics Boutique (that's what GameStop used to be, in case some people don't know).

A close up of the face... Unfortunately since it's such an old figure, about 10 years old now, the blister plastic is turning yellow. I wonder what caused that?

Here's the back of the packaging... They were hard to find figures if I remembered correctly.

And there you are, July 16, Selphie's birthday ^^

The following I wanted to have a special picture with my 1/8 Kotobukiya Selphie figure and the Play Arts figure, but I didn't realize how big the Play Arts figure was. I was going to have the big Selphie to carry the smaller one ^^;;

Instead you get a sisterly love picture. Chibi Selphie is cute, ne? ^.^

"Yay! Sephie-onee-chan can play with me!"

The following is another tribute to Selphie using the Kotobukiya figure. I'm also using the pictures as the giveaway. I'm not expecting to win since I just did them in a rush... Either way it was a tribute for her birthday ^_^ So without further ado...

Selphie in Odaiba!

O wow she's just looming there! A bit too shiny perhaps ^^; I pretty much just googled for a picture of the Odaiba Gundam to find this picture. Seems to be everywhere now!

Here are the original pictures.

A big crowd is waiting for the boards to be taken down so they can see up Selphie's... Umm... yeah, you get the idea... Anyhow, I'm calculating that this Selphie is around 12:1 scale ^^;

The original untouched picture.

And now a closeup of Selphie from almost directly underneath! I was begging Chun and her hubby to let me borrow this picture, but I sorta butchered a lot of it, lol... sorry Chun and husband ^^;;; Thanks for letting me use it... sorta XD

And here's the original picture. Much better looking, right?

This was my favourite angle of the Odaiba Gundam... and now it's got my favourite Final Fantasy character on it ^_^ This picture was originally from Punynari's blog.

The original picture. I only had to use a section of it, thankfully ^_^
Lastly I'll leave you with Selphie's reaction to her newly built bigger-than-life statue XD


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