Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yuri Mania 15: Kanamemo 1

Gokigenyou! Another Yuri Mania post so quickly after the last one? Unpossible! But here it is. I've been wanting to write about this new series for summer, but was pushed back for something more important.

I discovered this show in a typical way I approach new anime season. Download whatever new and if the title sounds interesting I'll watch it. I wasn't too interested in watching this show, Kanamemo right away, but I just skimmed through the time slider on Windows Media Player until I stopped at two girls kissing...... WHAT?!

Thus begins the Kanamemo episode 1 review!

Yamada also talked about this recently, but I would like to have this anime as a part of my Yuri Mania since there aren't a lot of people talking about it. In his blog post, he mentions about this show was based on a 4 panel manga. Apparently I've read what this author, Shoko Iwami, has done before. That other work is called Suzunari and also involves some yuri relationship. So there are much more reasons to watch this show for me.

So the story begins with Kana Nakamachi who's been suddenly left all alone when her grandmother died. Kana had lived all her life with her grandma, not knowing about her parents. They've perhaps passed away long ago... but was never mentioned what had happened to them in the first episode.

When movers started to move out her grandmother's furniture, Kana started to panic and tried to save as many decor as possible... Now that she has nowhere to go, what will happen to her? Good thing there's this newspaper company full of wacky characters are hiring and also providing a live-in area... Which brings us to the rest of the characters in the show!

Kana Nakamachi, 13 years old and a very good cook. The only one who still goes to middle school, while the other characters have all graduated from high school.

Yume, a pastry chef student in a culinary arts school. She adds a LOT of sugars and sweets in her cooking, even curry... She is Yuki's partner/lover.

Yuki, Yume's lover. She is normally cool and collective but she can be very sad and jealous if anyone else gets close to Yume. She does not mind Yume's sweet cooking.

Haruka is a student who brews her own rice drinks, such as sake and juice, but also drinks a lot of what she made and other alcohol. She fantasizes a lot about young girls... a lolicon at heart... Drunken lolicon, what a great combo...

Hinata is a ronin, that is, a student who's trying to get into college but has failed her entrance exams a couple of times already. She's very concerned about money and how to make more of them.

Saki may look like a grade schooler, but she is actually the manager of the newspaper company. Very strict on the workers, but has a soft heart. Not quite sure how someone as young as her got to run this company in the first place...

Mika won't appear until the second episode, but if I tell you that she's voiced by Rie Kugimiya, you'd probably know what kind of character she is :P

No appearances by Fumichan, Naochan or Ohtsukasan yet... Most likely Kana's friends from school.

After Kana is introduced we get to see more of the company that she will eventually be involved with.
Yume sharing a frozen ice treat with Yuki... Funny thing was that I actually bought the same item and was about to eat the same thing when I was watching this episode...

Haruka is a loli groper...

She also wants a loli harem from the looks of it...

Kana looks at this hiring sign that also says, "Live in possible". She's intrigued until...
The kiss that started this whole review...

And there's also Haruka swinging around her manager... Looks like panties are no-no in this show...

Kana is not amused... and shocked as well.

She tries to look for other jobs with possible live-in but was shot down at every turn because of her circumstances. She seems to be resigned that she'll be homeless...

And now some cute kitties to give you a warm fuzzy feeling after hearing Kana's plight and before her accident...

Fate hits her like a ton of brick... or like a bicycle. Whatever you prefer.

When she came to she was greeted by the wacky characters she had seen earlier...

And also greeted by a groping... It is like saying, "Hello" in Japan after all.

Although she tried to escape, her hunger can't. So she stayed for dinner but then she realized that this was the only place that she can stay in after all.

After meeting with the manager, Saki, and other bureaucratic jibber jabber that they had to skip anyway, Kana was hired and everyone was happy.

More yuri kisses! YAY!

Kana finally settled in her new room thanks to the other live-in residents. Especially Yume who decided to give Kana her own futon, but hey the potential yuri girls sleeping together (like above) is a good sacrifce. Good job, Kana!

It wasn't until the end of the night that Kana finally know what the heck she got into...

Saki gently and kindly introduced her that she is now working in a newspaper company...

Ending illustrations by different artists ala Kannagi.

I've watched the second episode already, and there are more yuri abounds... so I think I will continue to bring you more coverage of Kanamemo ^_~


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