Friday, April 30, 2010

Happy April Fools Month!

Eh? What's that? April Fools supposed to only last a day? So I did this wrong by doing this for a month long? So technically I was trolling people? I don't really know how to troll though. Oh, that doesn't matter if I don't know or not because I really did troll for a month? Hmm... But if I make it a reality it won't be a troll anymore right?

 I really should stop talking to myself... I've been posting a lot in the last few days, eh? ^^; I think I was just trying to fit all my planned posts before I end this charade, lol. So yes, "Within a Flash of Pantsu" is just a long running April Fools prank. I had planned this because I thought about redoing my blog layout, but since I made the decision around the same time as April Fool's Day then I thought I'd make it work and give myself a month deadline to fix everything. Unfortunately things just do not go as planned...

My job which had been reduced to 3 days a week from 4 days suddenly had increased to 5 days a week. This is because someone left due to some circumstances that I will not reveal here. And I haven't even been officially told that I have his job or what my schedule is! Wonderful days indeed.

So unfortunately I have to give some excuses as to why all of my plans haven't been fulfilled to redo this blog. At least the new template is ready. Misaka taking centre stage in relightning my blog header ^^ Let me know if there are some quirks because I was testing it in a separate test blog and it might not have the same stuff as this template.

So I apologize if I inconvenience anyone because of this so-called permanent change in my blog - m(_ _)m  In exchange I'll give you tons of Misaka Mikoto in this post ^^;

But that's not to say that Within a Flash of Pantsu is dead... No, no, no. It's alive and starting its second life! See the thing with going ecchi, you can't have limits. If you have limits, it's pointless... So the new Pantsu blog is adults only because that way I can fully express myself as Ecchi Man. Lightning Sabre can be ecchi, but he has too much prudence and often limited himself to go fully ecchi. I have to stop talking in third person... It's almost like I have a split personality... ANYHOO!

I still have link banners I have to work on and a separate link page... But I'll be very, very busy next week, what with Video Games Live on Thursday, Iron Man 2 on Friday and a US trip on Saturday! Not to mention the extra work I still have to do... So for now I'll have to stick with the side banner linking.

Oh and as of 11:11 PM on April 30th, I have this many visitors in a month! The most I've had in a month ever since my blog started! I wonder if it's because I changed my blog to something people would search for? Either way, thank you very much for your visits! I'm grateful for all of you to come and visit this silly overplanned blog of mine. Thank you, thank you!

Touhou Project: Hakurei Reimu 02

touhou project cosplay - hakurei reimu 02Often teased by fans because of the way she's dressed, Reimu's main abilities include flying in the sky, good intuition, and getting along with everyone, even those who were once her enemies. She is characterized in the games by her homing amulets and yin-yang orbs. She is also featured in the games wherein ZUN is involved, notably Seihou: Shuushou Gyoku as one of the Extra Bosses and in Graffiti Kingdom as "Flying Maiden".

Cute cosplayer from Winter Comiket 2009! It appears I have more in my inbox then I originally thought. Thanks to SnooPeas for the photo!

Touhou Project: Hakurei Reimu 02

touhou project cosplay - hakurei reimu 02Often teased by fans because of the way she's dressed, Reimu's main abilities include flying in the sky, good intuition, and getting along with everyone, even those who were once her enemies. She is characterized in the games by her homing amulets and yin-yang orbs. She is also featured in the games wherein ZUN is involved, notably Seihou: Shuushou Gyoku as one of the Extra Bosses and in Graffiti Kingdom as "Flying Maiden".

Cute cosplayer from Winter Comiket 2009! It appears I have more in my inbox then I originally thought. Thanks to SnooPeas for the photo!

Botan Cosplay Costume Progress Shoots

The latest and first Botan from Yu Yu Hakusho cosplay costume progress.. not much to be change on final.. maybe tomorrow it will be finish. - The Best Costume Commission Site

Work.. Work..

Up to my knees with work to do.. Making a work sample for a University I'm applying to and last year there were over 30 applicants per available spot so time to work hard and see if I make it in!

Won't be a whole lot of time for costume makers now for a while but I'll still do some of it. I've learnt not to start so late, taking it easier and spreading the work out over many weeks works out much better.

Made a full-size pattern of Vincents leather shirt/vest. I made it after a picture I found of a Vincent model in plastic, it showed the details of it that not even a 1080p 2h movie could not supply. It will require another 4 2-sided belts.. Ouch.

I'm also looking for a proper cosplay group in Sweden. I'd really like to find around 3-10 other cosplayers that I could join and together we would conquer the world! Nah but I'd want a group of people that also aim high and to be able to share ideas and knowledge would be of incredible worth. Not to mention a lot of fun, I mean, how can a bunch of people with the same general interests not have a good time? :D

I'm definately entering cosplay competitions this year. Entering one at Meuwcon, one at Umicon and ofcourse next Uppcon! At Uppcon I'll also bring a new costume. Not decided which yet, considered Sync the Tempest(Tales of the Abyss), Syaoran (Tsubasa) and many others. Tips are appreciated! Some characteristic character. Preferably from a reasonably well-known series/anime/manga/movie but not overplayed, like certain naruto characters are for example.

Ass of Aria

Oops... I made a typo... That's supposed to be the "A's of Aria". Sorry about that... I didn't title this post on purpose so I can make it ecchi... Really...

ANYWAY... It has been a few weeks ago that I finished Aria and I was pleasantly surprised when I watched the whole series. I remember downloading the first episode back when it first came out, but it didn't make an impression on me right away. I thought I'd go back to it again one day... That day never came, even after I bought the DVD collection Nozomi Entertainment. Yes, I've heard a couple of recommendations from some Aria enthusiasts, but it wasn't until I saw the second volume of the second season went on sale that I finally watched it to see if it's worth getting the rest of the series.

It's a beautiful series; full of genuine feelings and heart warming stories. It's not like the warm feeling of a pantsu that a girl just took off, but more like the warmth of two docking oppai, being hugged tightly so that one can go to sleep peacefully kind of feeling.

EEEEH? That was sappy? I thought it was more ecchi than sappy.

 The first thing I noticed about Aria is... Why is there a walking marshmallow puff with almonds for eyebrows and why is it the president of the Aria company? Turns out it's some kind of good luck to have a cat with blue eyes as the president... WHAT!? That thing's supposed to be a cat?? But I digress...

The second thing I noticed is that most of the characters have names that starts with an 'A'. Like Akari Mizunashi here. Akari is where the story of Aria is centred upon, so a lot of things revolve around her. Not just characters that she interact with, but also all the supernatural things that happen to her. Yes, I'm very surprised at the amount of supernatural occurrences in Aria, though Akari would've prefer to call it "miracles". She likes to make every little thing fun and she is enjoying her new life in Aqua (formerly known as Mars). She tends to say very sappy lines that are embarrassing, but she does it in a straight face.

The story is a slice of life kind of story, but perhaps not as comedic as say Azumanga Daioh or Ichigo Mashimaro. But if you're looking for something calm and relaxing story, then Aria is for you. My tastes must've changed if I could easily enjoy Aria now even though I didn't really care about watching it back in 2005. I think even the opening theme song was like a lullaby... But I stuck to it and didn't fall asleep once! (Not that I know of anyway...) Oh I think it's also the opening animation that really made me feel like it's a unique anime. It's different every episode! Well actually the beginning of the episode melts into quiet scenes as the opening theme, Undine, plays and then melts back into the story. Gorgeous animation as well, might I add.

Alicia is the second 'A'. She's the only Prima Undine, that is the only one who can take customers on her gondola, of the Aria Company. She's very well known for her beauty and calm demeanor, and customers would ask for her by name. Akari works as an apprentice under her. Her favourite lines are "ara ara" and "ufufu", made famous by Sayaka Ohara, her voice actress.

Ai is the third one to appear in the series, but she's only a visitor to the planet Aqua from Manhome (Earth, I think). Later on she becomes a narrator-like voice that begins and ends the episode as she and Akari exchange emails. Oh and I really like the goofy faces that the characters make like what Akari is doing in the back. Great stuff!

One of the main characters is Aika is also still a trainee as an Undine like Akari. She's more realistic and can be a bit short-tempered. She always tells Akari, when she says sappy things, "hazukashii serifu kinshi!" Which means, "no sappy lines allowed!" I think from the first moment I heard her say that, she became my favourite character in Aria. Not only that, but she's also voiced by Chiwa Saito, who's quickly becoming a favourite for me after hearing her in Bakemonogatari and other series.

This is Akira, and from what you see in this picture, you can guess that she's one mean b***h! Well, it just means that she's strict. Akira is actually kind, but when it comes to gondola and sculling, she becomes the demon-like instructor, especially to Aika. She and Alicia are good friends, along with Athena; they are the known as the Three Great Water Fairies.

Alice, not to be confused with Alicia, is also a trainee who's known as a genius Undine thanks to her rowing technique. She is still in school, but spends most of her time training (at least from what I see in the series). She started as a quiet person, but after meeting Akari, her heart opens up and warms up to others. Alice, Akari and Aika quickly became friends who are still in training. I'd like to think her as the Nagato Yuki of the group.

One of the few male characters in the show is Akatsuki. He works as a Salamander who keeps the whole planet warm and habitable. That doesn't excuse him from calling Akari, "sideburn" all the time though...He's infatuated with Alicia, but always seem to get Akari instead.

Even minor characters, a classmate of Alice, gets a name that starts with an 'A'. Anna only appeared in one episode and encourages Alice to be more friendly.

Ami... I won't spoil who she is, but perhaps that bell around her neck may give you a clue as to what she is.

A sylph is someone who carries someone's feeling and excitement, and also one of the only recurring male characters in Aria. His name is Aoody... I'm kidding... His name is actually Woody. Probably one of the only characters whose name doesn't start with an 'A'. He rides around on an airbike delivering packages that would be too slow if sent by gondola mail (I'm not kidding, the mailman delivers mail using a gondola here).

Dead people whose name starts with an 'A', Allen Honda. No spoiler here really... I mean he's dead already :P

Athena finally makes an appearance. She's known as one of the Three Great Water Fairies because she has a very beautiful singing voice. Though other than her voice she's pretty much a klutz. Yet she's quire helpful in her own subtle way, that is trying to help others without them knowing and not even expecting in return. Because of this trait she easily becomes my second favourite character in Aria (it also helps that she's dark skinned with light coloured hair, some of my favourite things in anime ^^;). I do want to do that as well, helping others without them knowing.

Akiko Hoshino. A school teacher and share similar traits to Akari. Other than that, I won't say much.

Al is a gnome... Not literally (even though he is short), but he works underground adjusting the gravity on the planet. He doesn't make a lot of appearances, but it seems like he and Aika get along well.

And finally a baby named Aqua after the planet.

All of these A's helps to create a very enjoyable and relaxing show that is Aria. It's hard to recommend to others because I have a lot of patience to watch this show, but for someone who's into action and more fast-paced anime might not be into this. Not that I didn't like it, it's just up to everyone's taste. I plan on watching the rest of the series since I have all of them now, but maybe in between exciting shows like Gundam 00 or something XD Perhaps if you're haunted by the nice boat ending of School Days you can go watch a happy-go-lucky show like Aria. Oh I did almost cry in a few episodes, so it can be very touching as well.

In the meanwhile perhaps I can convince you with some more screenshots to watch Aria, lol. They're not planned to convince anybody really, but I took them already so might as well use'em :P

The DVDs come with a boatload (pun intended :P) of extras! Interview with the main voice actresses which are really funny to watch because they seem to match their characters well!

There's also Junichi Sato's (the director) research trip to Venice that made me feel like I want to go to Venice to compare the real thing with the anime.

It can't be a research trip for a gondola anime without riding in one. They met Roberto (who the voice actress and director affectionately refer to as Roberta), a gondolier who showed them everything about gondolas in 3 hours. I thought it was funny when Roberto asked if he can get a copy of the show when it comes out because all of the gondoliers in Aria are all women XD I'm very tempted to send this guy a copy, lol.

A yuri moment?

Athena was laughing?

Aika's goofy face. So cute...

Athena's singing face... Which looks kinda ecchi to me for some reason...

Athena's normal face.

One of my favourite episodes was "Those Orange Days..." which had a flashback of the current Prima Undines. Lots of funny moments and I love origin stories as well. I'm ending this post with one of my favourite scenes from that episode (and maybe from the series).






Cosplay Documentary


Okay, this is not a video pimp (at least its not out yet xD). But just thought I’d help spread the words for #WorldCosplay’s upcoming Cosplay Documentary.

Yeap, someone’s thinking of filming a Cosplay Documentary =) I hope the website has more information but alas it doesn’t have much so I can’t really say anything more. But nevertheless, its still an exciting project to support and keep a look out for =)

Words from the people themselves =)

On May 2nd, 2010, at 11am, Cosplay: The Documentary will be officially kicking off its production days!
We'll be starting in Orlando, Florida and making our way across the United States, interviewing cosplayers and visiting conventions!

Be SURE to look for us at:
Anime Next

and [funding providing] Anime Expo, for your chance to make it into the film!
Visit our website: [link] ! Keep checking back for updates as well! We could be coming to your city!
And be sure to check out the Support Shoppe - it's the only way we're able to fund the project, through your support!
All-in-all, it's a cause for celebration! Thank you to the powers that be for helping this first production weekend take place! Also, special thanks to Full Sail University!


Visit their website here! I’m sure the wait for the video will be a long one but let’s all look forward to it! I’m sure it would be awesome xD

2:40 Am. Why am I up?

I shouldn't be awake. I should sleep, but instead I'm up.

I actually am tired though..I did cleaning, started on a drawing for the Fair's art show thing and then worked on cosplay... What did I get done you wonder? Well.........

I finally attached the red ball to Mercedes' outfit. I made the bugs that go in the jars out of air dry clay so tomorrow they should be dry enough to paint. I also...cut out the wings for the back of Agitha's dress and started painting layers of glue on to harden the craft foam. Mmm I finished the blanket for the basket today too except I was WANTING to add lace along the bottom but all I could find was an off white lace. She actually has this weird..kind of..thing going on along the edges of the cloth but I'm not sure what that's all about so I'm not doing it.

Ahhhh...I went through some of the boxes I have in the garage. They're full of the stuff I use to have at my dad's until he moved. :[ Now I have tons of stuff in boxes and there's no room in my room here at my mom's... ;/ bleh.

Okay so like it's late. I'm out. Good night!!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fruits Basket: Honda Tohru and Souma Yuki

fruits basket cosplay - honda tohru and souma yuki

There is a distinct difference between the manga and the anime of Fruits Basket; the anime shows a romantic relationship between Yuki and Tohru while the manga shows Yuki realizing his love for Tohru was more of a longing for the love of a mother.

To be perfectly honest, I prefer this pairing than Kyo and Tohru. It just seemed so perfect. You can imagine my disappointment when the final few manga volumes were released, but I guess you can't always get what you want.

At least Cherokee sent me this cosplay right? Featuring *Kanasaiii as Tohru and ~solano1984 as Yuki. Thanks also to their photographer, ~BanditYinG for the wonderful job well done!

Fruits Basket: Honda Tohru and Souma Yuki

fruits basket cosplay - honda tohru and souma yuki

There is a distinct difference between the manga and the anime of Fruits Basket; the anime shows a romantic relationship between Yuki and Tohru while the manga shows Yuki realizing his love for Tohru was more of a longing for the love of a mother.

To be perfectly honest, I prefer this pairing than Kyo and Tohru. It just seemed so perfect. You can imagine my disappointment when the final few manga volumes were released, but I guess you can't always get what you want.

At least Cherokee sent me this cosplay right? Featuring *Kanasaiii as Tohru and ~solano1984 as Yuki. Thanks also to their photographer, ~BanditYinG for the wonderful job well done!

Random Picture of the Day

I remember when Bitoy was Son Goku

Evangelion 2.0 Cosplay : Makinami Mari Illustrious

Makinami Mari Illustrious is the pilot of the Provisional Evangelion Unit-05, very little is Known about Mari, and her designation Children amongst the other has yet to be Revealed.she was petite, and sighted less alert.
he looks so enjoy a walk among the buildings, it seems, he was taking off tired after coming home from battle ^ ^, he's very similar to the character that I imagine, this is a good cosplay.when I found it I immediately thought to put it on my blog. I forget where the site where I found ... sorry .... >. <


So I got the flu and then my iron broke down a few days ago. But I seem to be improving my health, and I hope to be able to sew some things this weekend. Including my high waisted skirt for the upcoming tutorial. But here is something to watch until then:

Yuri Mania 29

Gokigenyou! Uhuhu looks like we need some more ecchi Yuri Mania here. Though the last YM was very informative, it wasn't too ecchi... So this time with Haruhi in the helm, there's bound to be some ecchiness!

The Melancholy of Saber Lily Part 35
(This is read from left to right)

FAIL HARUHI! FAIL! I gave you a chance to do some ecchi business here and you completely and utterly failed!! Ditto with me... I feel like I failed in this one. I was trying to do a Three Stooges thing, but it just doesn't have the same impact when it's done compared to when it was in my mind...

Uh... anyhoo, yeah, I finally concluded this Drossel arc that I started a couple of months ago ^^;  That's right, "concluded". The way I'm doing this arc is a bit time consuming because I want to put everything using backgrounds from the Fireball show. Yeah, I'm somewhat of a masochist in that area... It took about an hour to do every panel, and what good timing for me to make it into a special 8-panel this time... Ow. By the way, I always try to have some fun with the title. Likey?

You can read the beginning and more at The Melancholy of Saber Lily site.

I actually overdid it with all the panels. This is one of the deleted panels. I wish I could put this in because I did pose Haruhi with her hands holding both sides of her head. This is Drossel saying, "I'll go get the extra part now" as she whipped Haruhi on the head with her twin tails.

So this scene would've been the continuation from the top. This time Drossel would be asking, "I'm back, Suzumiya Akane". Yada yada... Unfortunately I didn't feel like doing a 10-panel comic.

Anyway, I was supposed to post this on the 24th, but it was actually harder than I thought, so it got delayed several days...

Ah well... At least Drossel's doing some ecchi things to Haruhi... Til next time! Gokigenyou!

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