Monday, April 12, 2010

Spring's Not-So-Ecchi Anime

Within a flash of pantsu indeed... Remember, the word "pantsu" can mean any ol' underwear, even boxer shorts... Yes, after all that ecchiness from the previous post, we go to the not-so-ecchi stuff. I'm sure there are some ecchiness to it, but not as visual as Kissxsis or Ichiban Ushimaro Daimaoh.

This is actually safe for work, so go ahead and kill some time at work ;)

Arakawa Under the Bridge
Since I already showed one screenshot of Arakawa, I might as well start with it. I don't know much about this series honestly. I did like the description I read about it somewhere and since it's SHAFT animated, I'm sure it's all quirky and humorous. The main male character is Ichinomiya Kou, who tries to live without being indebted to anyone. Cue Nino-san who lives under the bridge and saved his sorry ass when he's about to drown. There goes his life.

Yes, I will!

So to repay his debt Kou asks what Nino wants in return. Nino asks for his love, but of course since she's from Venus (wat?), she's ok either way if he doesn't fall in love. It's really Kou who wants to repay any debt and gets all stressed out if he can't pay it back.

Aww... no knee pits...

Along the way he'll meet another weird character who's a kappa, but might also be a guy in suit... Yes, it's very strange, but it's just too freaking weird to ignore. Not much ecchi from the first episode, but I seem to be infatuated with Nino-san the Venusian... Let's hope for the best, eh?

Hime Chen! Otogi Chikku Idol LilPri
Title's too long, I'm not continuing to watch this... Well, that's not the only reason. This is basically a grade school anime about young girls transforming into idols who possessed the qualities of Snow White, Cinderella and Kaguya-hime. So since they're idols, they have to sing and dance and collect some happiness from people yada-yada. Yes, I'm not too thrilled about this show, not sure why I even watched it in the first place. The one part I hate is from the above picture... They use computer animation to do their dances. The cg models look worse than a MikuMikuDance! If they can do the video below so well in MMD, why not this one?? The singing's awful too... NEXT!

K-ON!! (Season 2)
Too many people talked about this already, so I won't say much. I know there's a lot of people in opposing spectrum regarding this anyway. I'd have to say I'm somewhere in the middle; I like it, but it's not that big of a deal, really ^^; I do like the Yui guitar solo in the beginning, and the OP video is quite good. That song is kinda weird though.

Ecchiest picture I could find from episode 1 and it's from the OP video...

Knee pits!

Kaichou wa Maid-sama
Hmm... another typical shoujo fare. I think I've read and watched too many shoujo shows. I was reminded a lot of things as I watched this and even more so after finishing the first episode. Too many things that are similar to something else. But I am a sucker for these kinds of shows... So I'll probably continue watching it. Basically a very strict school president got caught in the act of working her part-time job as a maid in a maid cafe. Very modern premise, but underneath that modern layer, it's all the same kind of shoujo.

Impending raep! No, not really... The good guy stopped it in time. The maid uniforms look good though, the ecchiest thing in the show. The school uniform, however... Awful combination of colours!

Senkou no Night Raid
Hrrmm... How should I start this? I didn't like it as much as I thought? No, I never did give this one much thought. I was just watching anything that's new. The strange Chinese dub sounded bad in the beginning, but it did pique my curiosity a little bit. I was wondering why they have the need to do that. In the end, I was not interested much in this show. Like Ningyo said about this show, "X-Men no Night Raid", it's got some super powers and such,but with a time limit. I thought that was enough to hold my interest, but the historical and the political content got in the way of my enjoying the show.

Yukina's probably the only one that held my interest in the show. The super powers are so limited, I'd rather go see the X-Men animated series again.

At some point, it did remind me of Read or Die because of the combination of jazzy music and action, but definitely not as good as Read or Die. Maybe I'll just go watch Read or Die again.

Uh yeah, sorry... Another one I'm infatuated with. Short hair and the two moles(?) under her eye makes her look quite cute.

She's probably the only reason why I'll watch episode 2. I'll give it another chance... maybe.

And now for the main event... The anime co-created by Stan Lee, and boy, is it obvious that he got his hands on this. Very basic premise: Alien invasion, boy gets toy robot, toy robot get hit by alien storm and turn into giant fighting robot. I won't say much about this since I'm sure a lot of people (like Snark) talked about it already. Instead I'll do some parallel comparisons with Spider-Man. I think I read too much Spider-Man, that I can't help but make these comparisons. Joey Jones (above) here is the main character. A boy who gets picked on and lives by himself with an elderly woman... So does Peter Parker. And hey, their initials are double letters too

Older black (African American, if you wanna be PC about it) man who supports Pete...Joey, at his workplace. Just like Robbie Robertson.

That's obviously Aunt May... posing as Joey's grandmother.

Joey's parents who are deceased... Just like Richard and Mary Parker.

Lina's legs/thighs.

Lina, who's a mix of Liz Allen and Mary Jane Watson, a cheerleader who's interested in Pe... Joey. I'm getting confused here...

Lina is quite cute. One of the reasons for me to keep watching.

Can't remember their names right now, so I'll call'em Flash Thompson and his football jock friends. 

 We interrupt this regularly schedule program to bring you this knee pit.

Hmm... hard to pinpoint for this one, but Psy here is like Harry Osborne. Except Harry's rich. So Psy becomes cool and given crutches to even it out.

The teacher... Can't say there's any similar character in Spider-Man, but damn she's hot!

Hot for a teacher?

A goofy Dr. Curt Connors...

And it ain't a Stan Lee joint without the main man showing up in a cameo. He seems to be in the cafe where Peter works all the time, morning, noon and night. I'm sure he's got other Marvel Comics movies he can do a cameo in. I guess there is a break in between Iron Man 2 shooting and Thor & Captain America.

I can't help but put in one more shot of Lina =P

And here's Spider-Man himself! Who looks like a cross between Iron Man and the Hulk... Heroman is the one who does all the action, with Peter confirming the action by smashing the gauntlet on his wrist (like Ben 10). It's not a bad show and the animation's great! But I can't help but draw these comparisons as I watch this. Maybe it'll stray away from Spidey in the second episode?

On another note, Yunamon brought this up: Heroman can also be written as HEroMan. I'll leave you to ponder about that... More to come later on... I still haven't seen Angel Beats and the regular edition of Working!!


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