Saturday, October 31, 2009

we kept our promise

this is a quick post
we managed to do snufkin's photoshoot within our time limit.
the weather was nice, sunny, a bit cold but not freezing.
no casualties happened (hiron tested the water temperature by accident) must be our record.

nuuskamuikkunen, photo by eila

the video will be subject: behold the bubblehead nurse!

ready to eat some brains..or maybe not, pic by eila

-yoki out

Creepy Halloween!

Sneak peek of some sort for sake of Halloween. Have nice day with or without costumes! <3

GN Archer

I've been meaning to work on GN Archer for a while, but it kept being pushed back. This was the decoy to prevent people from figuring out that I was doing a Mirai Gundam last month. I intended to make this one straight build from way back...

I haven't seen the second Gundam 00 season yet, but it is inevitable that I will watch it. Right now I'm just enjoying the kits that came along later on even though I have no idea what the mobile suits are about XD All I know is that I picked up GN Archer because it looked very feminine, lol.

All in all I believe I finished this kit in 6 hours, this is not including the pictures I've taken along the way. For what you ask? Why for the time lapse video I've been wanting to make along with this kit.

This video was actually inspired by one of Batmouse's (of posts about time lapse videos. He asked if anyone intends to do one or not. I figured I'll make one for this kit just for a tryout. It seem to worked ok. What do y'all think?

Lastly, I've been dying to do a comic with GN Archer. I'm gonna save the comics for next week, but for now I'll post some funny pictures because I want to enter it into the Gundam Contest. I don't expect to win anything, especially with my crappy Gunpla skills. I just want to at least show it to a few people and get some laughs ^^

Tried to do some beam rifle effects here... Had to find a clip of GN Archer on Youtube to figure out the colours ^^;

Yep, the return of the tentacle figure! More to come next week!

Silent Hill 2: Pyramid Head

The existence of Pyramid Head is tied directly to the subconscious of the game’s protagonist, James Sutherland. These creatures represent the both the punisher and victim of the crime, in this case, James’ repressed anger and desire to be punished for the death of his wife. They also function as the executioner of Maria and the tormentor of James.

silent hill 2 cosplay - pyramid head

From what I researched about this character, it’s not exactly something my Sanriotown Readers might like to hear. It’s not even something I like to hear, so I had to tone down the character history a bit. Really nice shot though, and I didn’t notice he was in a parking lot until I took a second look. Great work!

Silent Hill 2: Pyramid Head

The existence of Pyramid Head is tied directly to the subconscious of the game’s protagonist, James Sutherland. These creatures represent the both the punisher and victim of the crime, in this case, James’ repressed anger and desire to be punished for the death of his wife. They also function as the executioner of Maria and the tormentor of James.

silent hill 2 cosplay - pyramid head

From what I researched about this character, it’s not exactly something my Sanriotown Readers might like to hear. It’s not even something I like to hear, so I had to tone down the character history a bit. Really nice shot though, and I didn’t notice he was in a parking lot until I took a second look. Great work!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Cosplay Make Up?

Michelle Phan aka Rice Bunny teaches us how to do make up for Cosplays. I can't say I'm digging her make up here (a little too...exaggerated for my liking). But I love the message she tried to bring across in her video.

I got to agree with her. Some times the power that make up and a costume give, is amazing. Maybe its a form of escapism or maybe I shall feel protected by the shield of costumes. Quite often, I feel like I can do anything I want and nobody will judge me because well.... Ii'm not Kaika. I'm the character I am cosplaying!I guess its this form of reassurance that make me keep coming back for more.

I also love all the special effect animations of the planets and stuffs.

Snow White anyone?

Peronsally I think she makes one striking Snow White xD! (Oooh I LOVE the music she used here!)

Put some pants on!

My fiance's Animal Crossing character is totally watching me sleep (sort of..)

and what the heck, where are my pants?!?!O_O

I thought this was a kids game.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Unlimited Saber Works

The arrival of Saber Lily Nendoroid was a pretty good timing. I was about to collect the poseable figures of Saber together. She came in with EMS shipping because I forgot to change my shipping method at HLJ from the last order ^^; But here she is posing with her older sisters. Saber Lily Figma had to borrow Excalibur from her blue cloth counterpart.

Here are the boxes I've placed for my project. This was taken before the Lily Nendoroid arrived, so the box isn't in the photo. I took this photo when I was taking pictures for the last Melancholy of Saber Lily comic.

Here are the Revoltech version of Sabers. The blue one must be the first poseable Saber ever made. I thought she was the cutest thing ever! I used the promo picture all over the place as avatars. Unfortunately the one I got had an extra long neck... The Revoltech Saber Alter might be the only poseable Alter we'll ever have, it seems. I also remembered there was a picture of Revoltech Saber Lily as well... Maybe that was custom made...

And here are the figmas... Saber Lily seems to be played more often. Saber who arrived way back when and I've only gotten a chance to take pictures of her recently. She'll get a spotlight soon though.

The Saber Nendoroids are growing exponentially! If I had the Konata version then she would be here too XD Right now I have these three. Hetare Saber, in the center, is a first generation Nendoroid, a lot of her pieces here hard to remove compared to the newer ones. I don't think I'll be able to interchange with the new ones... I really like the lion that Hetare Saber is riding on!

And of course my homemade Saber Gundam.

So what's the point of this? Well to explain let me show you the picture below...

That's how much Haruhi I'm using from the last Melancholy of Saber Lily comic... Can you guess what's coming up next?

No more riddles... No more waiting... A Dollfie Dream Theater X Melancholy of Saber Lily Collaboration between Wolfheinrich and myself, presents...

The Melancholy of Saber Lily Part 23

The conclusion... so many images that it can't be contained in a 4 panel comic!

It took me almost a full week to set this all up for the conclusion of the battle! If you look up again, all the pictures I've posted above the comics are all in the panels, separated from the background and placed into the comic background... Hours and hours were spent just to cut out the background... I'm exhausted!!!

Haruhi faction must be shaking in their boots... and yes, I've cut them out of the background too...

Now, I've told Wolfheinrich that it was going to be "Unlimited Saber Works"... but I don't think he really knows what's gonna happen at the end. I asked him to take pictures of Saber Dollfie holding Excalibur in front of her to show that she's chanting the spell. I also asked him to take a kneeling picture of Saber Dollfie and to put a figma on her thigh with her hand holding on to the figma. I did not tell him why I needed this picture :P And the reason for it is...


I thought this was kinda cute with Nendoroid spanking XD I was going to do a dialogue for Saber Lion in the last panel, but it was too busy already. She would've said, "GAO GAO GAAAAA!" Translated as "EXCALIBUR!" as she's about to spank Nendoroid Haruhi! Was gonna give a shout out to Snark because I know he would've liked that Gaogaigar reference ^^

Saber Lily, with the help of Saber Alter, gets even with Chouyusha Haruhi. I was going to put this smaller in the background, but Saber Lily's the star! So she was moved up closer to the front of the panel. Yeah, I had to use Mikuru's face on Haruhi again... One thing I forgot to take a picture of is the opened boxes of every figma and Nendoroid I was using... It was a disaster area!

This was pushed to the back to put Saber Lily up front. Basically Saber just finished her spanking of this Haruhi and about to put her sword back in the sheath. I guess this was appropriate since it's the original Saber and the original Haruhi ^^ While Lily was with the Chouyusha Haruhi. A tag team match in the future perhaps?

Hehehehe... this is just so hilarious to look at XD Basically these two are underneath Saber Dollfie's hand in the last panel. So she was holding two and was going to spank both of them with the giant Excalibur! Oh the hilarity just kills me!

And here's the final product of it. If you squint real hard you can see the two asses hanging out there XD

This is the first picture of Saber Lily and Chouyusha Haruhi that I took... I realized that Saber Lily may not be left-handed... So I had to reshoot this scene... I couldn't get the pose again, but I look at this photo right after I got it off the camera and just LAUGHED AND LAUGHED! It looked so good!

The last picture in the last panel was the two Nendoroids talking. The newest Nendoroid talking to the older Nendoroid. I thought that was quite appropriate...

Oh what's this? Extra pictures?

Poor poor Saber Lily Nendoroid... The comic is also posted at The Melancholy of Saber Lily. Check it out for previous installment!

Photoshoot... progress!

This saturday we'll be able to have a photoshoot! The weather forecast, if we can trust is, promises us sun. This is what we have been waiting for. We need to get up early in the morning to take advance of the short daylight period and I will be busy trying to make the shoot succesful and to make my own costume ready for the night. Halloween seems to be the most costume orientated day of the year, both of us dressing up. So exited!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Competitions- only for the talented?

This is a subject that has been recently discussed on Finnish cosplay forum at aniki, so I thought of revealing my thoughts about cosplay competitions.

We haven't participated in any competition so far, because there have been regulations that doesn't fit our current projects. It might be that we have a pair cosplay, when you can take apart in the competition as group, minimum three persons. And we don't wan't to compete against each other in individual competition, because... well, that is'n how we roll.

The categories in competitions are really hard to put together and they alter drasticly in different conventions. I can see the pain behind dividing the branches of cosplay in separate groups. J-rockers and anime characters can't be put on same categories, just because the sources and the reality aspect is so different. And levels of costuming skills and experience should also be taken consideration, if the goal is to offer equal chances to everyone. That makes four different groups already. And if you start to look for more evaluations you come up with more, that is for sure. Before you know it cosplay competitions are like dog shows, all categories have their own judges on their own rings.

I think the most functional assemble is to divide the experts and novises in different groups. If the convention has a theme, let's say, like japanese pop culture and fashion, there could be specified group for lolita, ganguro and other costumes related. In Finland I have seen this alignment of making something for everyone. Hello, that doesn't work and eats up audiences interest in the competition.

Even thought Finland is a small country, we have nice collection of conventions. It's likely that there will be enought competitions to attend to, even if they are more defined and narrowed. One convention shouldn't include everything. Not only for the amount of work it needs to be organized well, but also to help cosplayers finish their costumes properly and to be proud to show them off. And because the fan base and number of cosplayers have increased, it would be wise to make conventions more confined than they are now.

Of course you can't forget groups and pairs. They should have different evaluations than in individual competition, like show elements and dynamics. I haven't seen too many group performances which have intriqued me. Usually they are build on fanservice and yaoi, because they work for the audience. Ok, yes, you should entertain the audience, but the judges are the ones who should be convinced. Also with your costumes, even if they are not the first prior in evaluation. Sometimes costumes in group competitions are just pain in the eye. In pair or couple categories especially costumes and the craftmanship should be somehow in the same level in an entry.

One thing that personally irritate me, is the "And the next group entry is number... umm... number 18, because numbers 15, 16 and 17 haven't confirmed their participation." Well, that is nice. Perhaps we could have been on the stage if they would have informed earlier that those mentioned groups don't have the courage to step up and get their act together. I may be harsh about this, but I has happened to us. Young and enthusiastic cosplayers sizzle about their debute entrance on group cosplay competition and then they just lack the interest. Not all the drop-outs are like that. Some may have real issues, more than they just didn't feel like it.

That makes me think is pre-selection a bad thing? Nowadays bigger conventions require background tapes from the participants. That shows already commitment from the group and will reduce the number of drop-outs. So, good thinking. In individual contest pre-selection isn't that important. Judges work is made easier with forms, where competants need to fill beforehand information about the character. I don't know, haven't done them, but also descripting the costume as detailed as possible would be rather helpful. I say big no-no for purchased costumes in competitions, but everyone can't necesseraly make everything by themselves. Commissioned items as part of selfmade costume I see rather acceptable, if and only if the information about those objects have been given in advance. This way the judges can evaluate the costume as a creation of cosplayer and as a whole package.

One subject that has been discussed is the standard of the costumes seen in the competition. It has been pointed out that it has gone down. I have noted it also and really the best costumes can be seen outside the competitions, wandering around the area in all their grace. Which get to me to the prizes and positions. No more plushies and stupid honorable mentions which are handed out like free samples of tissues. Competition IS a competition. Sometimes cosplay needs to be serious business in order to get the hard working and ambitious costumers to participate. They don't step up just for pat on the head. They want criticism and proper evaluation. It would also make the judges work more interesting and profound.

In every competition I have seen so-and-so costumes worn by people who are eager to be seen on stage and taking part in the competition for the thrill of it. They are usually quite young and cosplay is their new interesting hobby. No, they should not be taken out, because they might grow to these hard working and ambitious cosplayers, but then again they should not compete from the prizes next to novises and experts who really are there for the win. There is always problem with half time shows. The time when the judges are making the decisions about winners it could be possible to have more playful and entertaining competition. Like show-class, newcomers or something. Selected jury could give honorable mentions for the participants and point out things that could be taken concideration when making a costume. This way real judges can concentrate on their work, the best cosplayers could be selected and the newcomers could have their moment in spotlight, gathering confidence and having a nice experience.

How to make that happen? Strict participation rules for the real competition. Of course they could wary between conventions, but all together they are way too loose right now. Seems like anyone who is quick enough will be qualified.

One matter that flares up a little fury inside me, is the case where talented cosplayers drop out from competitions because of some whining individuals, who can't take it when well made costumes win the prizes over and over again. That is really pitiful, because those cosplayers usually deserve to be the winners and have worked really hard for their costumes. Again I have noted that the whiny ones are more likely beginners. Note: the experts have also made their first costumes and usually they are not too proud of them and seeing pictures of them makes them want to have a moment of good old facepalm. Improvement is a result related to that and that is something I personally am trying to achieve. Hell, I try to beat everyone who have made the costume I'm working on. That is healthy competition.

Cosplay competitions are the main events I'm looking forward to when attending conventions. I want to see accurate and well made costumes that stand out and are worn by costumers who have put time and effort in making them. The other, rich and playful side of cosplay can be seen around conventions and in the internet. Fun and games for everyone equally, but also something to fulfill the needs of ambitious ones.

Sailor Stars: Princess Kakyuu

sailor stars cosplay - princess kakyuuThe princess of Kinmoku who escaped to earth when Sailor Galaxia attacked, Princess Kakyuu is said to smell of sweet osmanthus, which is the recurring motif of her design. There are different versions with regards to her storyline in the anime and manga, but she is similar to Sailor Moon as she also has her own senshi, the Sailor Starlights.

The cosplayer looks like a doll in this photo. I’m guessing proper make-up and lighting gave that effect. Beautiful work!

Sailor Stars: Princess Kakyuu

sailor stars cosplay - princess kakyuuThe princess of Kinmoku who escaped to earth when Sailor Galaxia attacked, Princess Kakyuu is said to smell of sweet osmanthus, which is the recurring motif of her design. There are different versions with regards to her storyline in the anime and manga, but she is similar to Sailor Moon as she also has her own senshi, the Sailor Starlights.

The cosplayer looks like a doll in this photo. I’m guessing proper make-up and lighting gave that effect. Beautiful work!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Behind the Scene of "Love is War" Cosplay PV

So you've all seen the awesome PV inuran and Zerartul came up with in my last few posts. Now, get a change in perspective and look at the making of it!

To get the best footages, inuran and team actually re-shot everything 3 times. THREE TIMES OMFG!!!!!!!! Imagine, lugging your costumes, tripods, cameras , make up box, misc photoshoot stuffs out of the house 3 times on 3 seperate days for the SAME PURPOSE/SONG!!!!!!

These videos were taken on the first shoot, which was on a very early saturday morning. You'd notice the abnormally bad video quality and that was because yours truly totally FORGOT to bring her camera that day!
I was supposed to help our Miku with her makeup that day so I kinda only remembered to bring the Make Up box and rushed out T_T.

Left without a choice, I could only film with my crappy mobile phone camera T_T. Very disappointed with myself and the quality of the video but.... oh well at least we have some behind the scene footages. Hope you guys enjoy it! Editing the video and adding those subtitles was a chore!

Otaku Around the House

It's getting cold around here in Vancouver, so around the house is cold as well because of the granite floors here. So my feet is the first to react to the temperature... My solution? Totoro slippers!

Louise has a change of face to reflect my current situation... sorta. I get quite ticked off at work that sometimes I'm on the verge of tears of anger. I guess that's my self anger management ^^;

My cap... I wear it on rainy days or just any day really... It's really helpful these days when it is raining so it prevents my glasses from getting wet.

Ummm... I better stay alert in the morning...

Future home of Saber Lily. I think I'm ready to put her in there, but kinda lazy. Or maybe not lazy, but just doing a lot of work on the computer.

Finally I took pictures of my Iron Man statue that I got from HLJ way back in their Summer Sale. This statue was 60% off its original price. I pre-ordered an Iron Man bust from a comic book store, but I never got it... So instead I've spent the same amount of money on the full size statue!

And it lights up! The smaller Iron Man action figure is for scale purposes. I was telling my co-worker about the big statue that I got for quite cheap. Ok, cheap is not really the word, but less expensive than its original price... I can't remember who made that action figure, but the statue is from Kotobukiya.

I really wanted an Iron Man merchandise ever since the movie last year. It was just one of the best comic book superheroes movie I've seen!

Just to show how it looks like in the dark ^^

This has been an intermission between two Melancholy of Saber Lily comics XD

Rawr. Vampirism and Card Capturing!

I had an amazing time at the Ani-Jam Halloween Festival. It was even MORE fun at the dance afterward. I met so many great people and made lots of new awesome friends! I love cosplayers!

Lots of people liked Kay-chan's and my costume. Hehe. Although we didn't win the Costume Contest I was alright with it. I won 1st place last time...which was kind of surprising but this time I went with a more simple costume and had just as much fun...if not, more. ^~^; I look forward to the future gatherings that Ani-Jam will hold.

I plan on setting up a cosplay gathering for the Fresno area. I'm just not sure when, but I do want it to happen! Grr. >;P

Weekly- Pick a pic

Prop ninja! Yoki appropriately prepared to sand her sword 2008.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Roronoa. Zoro

Roronoa. Zoro (the most cruel of the pirates Jianshi cold (in fact you can not do this, ha ha))

Roronoa by Franks. Roronoa come, this is the most cruel people have the most brutal pirates, WT quoted here as his surname the name zoro

zoro, Persian zoro.ast (Persians, Zoroastrianism founded the sect in the world zoro.ast.rian.ism There is always the struggle of light and dark) was quoted Western novelist, depicted as the legend of the Middle Ages in Europe Jianshi. Personal point of view: OP middle of Solon as the Middle Ages as the existence of Jianshi

~Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle ツバサ

All credits to the cosplayers and photographers

Syaoran 小狼

Sakura サクラ

Fay D. Flourite ファイ・D・フローライト

Kurogane 黒鋼

Princess Tomoyo

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